Listening to the stupid lyrics that for so many years, we have been dancing to, it’s difficult to imagine that the public grooved to the sound of the deep lyrics of the English poet Anne Clark. Since 1982 with the…
Dear friends and followers …
Liebe Freunde und Förderer …
Here is a radio special feature I did with Juliane Reil at DLF earlier this week. Click in video to listen or go to the website of Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Hören Sie mein aktuelles Gespräch mit Juliane Reil in diesem Deutschlandfunk…
Hi everyone, Here’s an interview with Jörg Rambow for Terrorverlag.com
Hello everybody, For those who missed the radio session I did with Bridget Gray on the 2nd of June, here’s the recording to check it out! Listen to this 2 hours recording session on Artefaktor Radio from Mexico City.
Read my latest interview here